
General Practice

General Practice

General Practitioners are usually the first point of contact for common medical and surgical problems that present at an early stage. They are trained to manage medical problems that may require urgent intervention by coordinating with specialists. They also manage patients with multiple health issues and chronic medical problems. Their holistic approach towards illnesses, make them ideal to have as your family doctor to prevent illness and maintain health.

Meet Our Doctors

General Practitioner Dr Allen

Dr. Allen Jebason Samuel Rajkumar


Physician-General Practitioner

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General Practitioner in Dubai Dr. Anju Ara Begum

Dr. Anju Ara Begum


General Practitioner

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Physician in Dubai Dr. Dayal Mansukhani - uniCare Medical Centre

Dr. Dayal Mansukhani


Physician – General Practitioner

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General Physician in Dubai Dr Akhila

Dr. Akhila Sathyanath


Physician – General Practitioner

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Physician in Dubai

Dr. Antonio Fabian

M.B.,B.S., MD

Physician – General Practitioner

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Dr. Hina


Physician – General Practitioner

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General Practitioner dr amal joseph

Dr. Amal Joseph


Physician – General Practitioner

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General Practitioner dr shweta

Dr. Swetha Shabeen


Physician – General Practitioner

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General Practitioner dr sami

Dr. Sami Mohammed


Physician – General Practitioner

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